Saturday, August 1, 2020

Covid 19 updates

I’ve been working on personal projects since the Covid 19 crisis, but also on a lot of projects for online classes for the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts. In addition to teaching Basic Drawing online, there have been workshops on gel plate monoprints and kitchen lithography.

I’ve been posting most of my personal work on Instagram, also at gunplainpress.

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Current Lithographs

I’ve finished this lithograph drawing on the stone, I’ll just have to process it and print!

I’ve also been working on a small accordion book, a series of small self portraits that fit into an empty make- up compact. The portraits were done on a plastic lithograph plate, a small edition of three.

The book is a response to environmental damage and “throw-away” culture, and out personal responsibilities regarding those concerns.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Current Projects

This is the lithograph I’m currently working on, a rural scene on Miller Road. The stone is one of the largest at the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts; the image area is about 18” x 24”. This is the same stone I used for my Josephine Butler poster, which is currently on view at the KIA faculty exhibit.

The quote reads “God and one woman make a majority.” Josephine Butler was a Victorian social reformer whom I admire.