Thursday, November 3, 2016

New activities

One of the highlights of the past summer was again working at the Allegan County Historical Printshop during Michigan Fiberfest and the Allegan County Fair. This year the motor on the Chandler-Price platen press was fixed and the working press was a great addition to demonstrations.

My next project this fall was a linocut for the Kalamazoo Book Arts Center illustrating a poem by Rochelle Hurt. She will be reading at the KBAC's Poets in Print event November 12, 2016.

And currently I am doing etchings for Alchemy, a writers/printmakers book and exhibition project to be finished in January. I'll be posting photos of these projects as they're finished.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

MFA Graduation

My MFA Thesis show opens today at the Fed galleries of Kendall College of Art and Design in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Graduation is this Saturday! This is the film clip that will show as my contribution to the graduation presentation.

It's been a long winter and it's such a relief to have Shingebiss: An Ojibwe Folktale finished.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Working on Shingebiss

Here is the frontispiece to Shingebiss, my MFA thesis project. I've been printing the etched illustrations at home and the text at the Kalamazoo Book Arts Center. It's nerve-wracking (I wake up in the middle of the night thinking about it) but I'm making progress, and I'm on schedule.